Galatians 1: Only the gospel saves


The Christian life is fraught with dangers, but none is more dangerous than substitute messages that promise to make us right with God.  Paul addresses his friends in Galatia, emphasizing in the strongest of terms the danger of abandoning the true gospel.


Speaker: Andy Perry



Galatians 2: A gospel worth



What happens when one of the most respected and influential apostles temporarily caves in to the pressure to abandon the free grace of the gospel?  Paul defends it, and teaches us how to do the same in our own day.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Galatians 3: Keeping the law and the gospel straight

God's law and his gospel are both precious gifts, but they only bless us when we keep them straight and don't confuse them.  Listen to how the law can never do for us what only Jesus' gospel can.

​​​​​​​Speaker: Andy Perry

Galatians 4: What difference does saving faith make?

Chapter three showed us how following in the footsteps of Abraham, the man of faith, sets us free from the curse of the law.  But what difference does that make?  Particularly, what difference does centering our lives on the grace of the gospel make to our prayer lives?

Speaker: Andy Perry


Galatians 5: True freedom


God wants us to experience the life-changing liberty of freedom from the tyranny of the law.  Learn three key aspects of gospel freedom which help us not become free to sin, but free from sin.


Speaker: Andy Perry



Galatians 6: Life in the Spirit


When we live and walk in the Holy Spirit it marks us as God's people and changes us.  In particular, it changes our relationships.  Listen to discover three key relationships it changes in wonderful ways.


Speaker: Andy Perry