Why Give?

When we truly understand that everything we have is a gift from God, generosity will overflow from us. We believe that everything we have belongs to God and He has entrusted it to us to be good stewards so we can help his church remain strong and reach more people with the grace of the gospel. Whether it is in the form of finances, resources, service, or time, it is a believer’s responsibility to give back to the Lord. Giving invigorates our devotion to Jesus. Giving provides an outlet for compassion. Giving provides an opportunity to teach our families that money is not our master. Giving is an act of worship.

Give to what?

The ministry of Bible Presbyterian Church is funded through three accounts to which we ask our members to give.

Our General Fund

this funds our general budget and all church operating and ministry expenses

Our Deacons Fund

this funds our ability to show Christ's love through benevolence and crisis care

Our Missions Fund

this makes it possible for us to support the missionaries featured on our missions page.  

All donations automatically contribute to our general fund unless otherwise specified.

Envelopes for giving to our three funds are located on a table at the rear of our sanctuary.

How do I give?

There are several ways you can give to the church.

Each is simple and secure. Choose what works best for you.

Give online

If you would like to set up a one-time or recurring donation, follow these steps:

1. Go to our secure method of payment through PayPal (button below).

2. Create a New Donation and follow the directions to choose your giving method, donation amount, donation schedule, and donation frequency.

4. Click the Submit button when you are finished.​​​​​​​

Note: E-Check (withdrawals from your checking or savings account) is our preferred donation method as credit cards have significantly higher transaction fees.

Using your bank account

Have your giving automatically deducted from your checking or savings account

It is easy to give through the online bill pay feature offered by your bank through their website.

Include the information below to set up your donation:

Payee: Bible Presbyterian Church

Account: General Checking (Please contact church office for account number.)
Payee Address: 1605 County Road G, Merrill, WI 54452

(It can be set up for a one-time donation or recurring donations)




Sunday offerings

If you would like to give in a more traditional way, every Sunday morning during our worship service we pray for our offering. You can place either cash or check in the black box in the rear of our sanctuary near the sound booth. Under the box is a table with envelopes for your use.  Feel free to use the various, marked envelopes for giving to our three funds: General fund, Missions fund, Deacons/benevolent fund.  All non-designated donations automatically go to our general fund.  Boxes of giving envelopes are also available for you to take home and use week by week.