"Let the nations be glad
and sing for joy!"
- Psalm 67:4
"Let the nations be glad
and sing for joy!"
- Psalm 67:4
Our Missionaries
Roy and Julie Eberhardt
For many years, the Eberhardts have served in the mountainous Oxaca region of southern Mexico with Wycliffe Bible Translators. They are currently working with a team helping to translate the Bible into the language of the Cuicatec people group. Roy provides team support through his technical and computer expertise, and Julie trains new missionaries and helps them adapt to their new life on the field.
Cam and Ray Brown
Cam Brown grew up in Tampa, Florida and first became involved in Reformed University Fellowship when he attended the University of Virginia as an undergraduate. Cam now serves as the RUF Campus Minister at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He and his wife, Ray, were married in the summer of 2020 and enjoy sports, board games and reading.
Friend of Sinners Church
Back in 2015 Teaching Elder Dan Quakkelaar and his wife Sherry followed God's call to plant a church in an inner city neighborhood on Milwaukee's north side. Ministry there is extremely difficult and often dangerous, with street gangs, drug houses, and poverty being commonplace. By the Lord's grace and the Spirit's work, Friend of Sinners has become a gospel lighthouse to many in that part of Milwaukee. Due to the poverty and instability of most church members, outside support helps make Friend of Sinners' ministry of evangelism and discipleship possible. We count it a privilege to partner with them for the glory of God in the city.
Missions in Ethiopia
Pastor Andy & Team
In May of 2022, Pastor Andy began regular short term mission trips to Ethiopia partnering to serve with International Theological Education Ministries (ITEM) and Indigenous Outreach International (IOI). He taught a course on Biblical Leadership to train indigenous leaders in both the capital city of Addis Ababa and out in the small, remote village of Bussa. He returned with a team from Bible Pres in February of 2023 to teach a second course on Christ-centered preaching while Karen Heldt taught Ethiopian women about our identity in Christ. Bruce Heldt and Evan Perry assisted with the TrueLight Children's Ministry and other special projects. In February 2024, Andy taught the pastors how to preach apocalypic literature while Karen and Carla Moore taught the women about a Biblical view of suffering.
"Let the peoples praise you, O God;
let all the peoples praise you!"
- Psalm 67:3