"Confidence Despite My Circumstances"
Matt Cline
"Confidence Despite My Circumstances"
Matt Cline
"Don't Run from the Truth"
Bruce Heldt
"God Who Sees"
Pete Shaner-RUF
"The Anatomy of a Christian"
Andy Perry
"These Things and All Things"
Roy Brandell
"Strangers in a Strange Land"
Andy Perry
"Six Testimonies"
Roy Brandell
"Confident Faith"
Bruce Iattoni
"Whose Image Is It Anyway?" Paul Thompson
2023 Youth Mission Trip Report
"Blessed in Christ"
Bruce Heldt
"God's Gift in Small Packages"
Justin Novitski
"Working While Waiting"
Steven Burton
"Relational Wisdom for a New Year"
Andy Perry
"Our Triumphant King"
Bruce Heldt
"Prepare Him Room Part Two"
Andy Perry
"Prepare Him Room Part One"
Andy Perry
"Peace for Perseverance"
Andy Perry
"Blessed for Gladness and Glory"
James Lima
"How to Fight (and Win!) Spiritual Battles"
Paul Thompson
"No Other Name"
Roy Brandell
"Be Careful What You Ask For"
Roy Brandell
Easter 2023
"A Recipe for Resurrected Relationships"
Andy Perry
"A Tale of Two Storms"
Kesh Pillai
"You want me to do what, Lord?"
Bruce Heldt
"The Syrophoenician Woman"
Roy Brandell
"Look to the Abandoned One"
Ben Leatherberry
"The Majesty of God"
Luis Garcia
"The Parable of the Dishonest Manager"
Roy Brandell
"I Am Your God"
Chuck Walton
"Mission Trip Report 2022"
"Biblical Lessons from Ethiopia"
Andy Perry
"Temple Restoration"
Rob Honey
Acts 3:1-10
"Power in His Name"
Matt Cline
Hebrews 3:1-6
"So Much Better!"
Andy Perry
Easter 2022
"Promises Kept"
Andy Perry
Easter 2020
"O Glorious Contrast!"
Andy Perry
Romans 8
"God's love for us"
Rich Verano
Romans 8
"God's love for us"
Rich Verano
John 4
"Loving Evangelistically"
Rich Verano
Ephesians 6:10-18
"Stand your ground"
Kesh Pillai
Jonah 2
"God in our darkest moments"
Rich Verano
II Timothy 3:16-17
"Trusting God's Word"
Rich Verano
Luke 15:1-15
"The Na Na Na Dance"
Kesh Pillai
Psalm 24
"Christ our King" Palm Sunday
Andy Perry
Selected Scriptures
"Easter in the Old Testament"
Andy Perry
Matthew 1, 11 & John 15
"Jesus - a God like no other"
Andy Perry
2019 Youth Misson Trip Report
Genesis 32:22-32
"Humbly trusting God's provision"
Rich Verano
I John 4:7-12
"The Love of God"
Rich Verano
Psalm 19
"Our Longing and
the Voice of God"
Danny Hindman
2 Corinthians 5:11-21
"The Motive for Missions"
Dale Hollenbeck