Our Beliefs
Our Beliefs
Our congregation is part of the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA).
Three theological distinctives define us:
to the
We believe the Bible reveals all we need to know about who God is, who we are, and his plan for us to glorify and enjoy him forever. The Bible points us to hope in Jesus as our Savior and Lord. Around BPC we like to say, "If the Bible makes a big deal about it, so do we; but if it doesn't, we don't." As our culture moves farther and farther from submission to external authorities, not the least Scripture, we who see it as God's trustworthy Word stand out in our dark world as lights of truth, grace, and hope in a society that's lost its way.
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Reformed Faith
Our Reformed faith connects us with the Protestant Reformation in Europe 500 years ago and its five theological distinctives which help define the Christian gospel: salvation from our sins by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, based on Scripture alone, to the glory of God alone. A key distinction of being Reformed is putting God and his gospel, rather than our preferences, at the center of our faith and worship. We are so glad that he is a sovereign God who chooses us, changes us, and ensures that we'll reign with him in heaven forever. He gets the glory and we get the blessing.
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Great Commission
Christ does not forgive us from our sins and make us a part of his family for us to keep the blessings of knowing and enjoying him all to ourselves. He's commissioned each of us as his ambassadors and calls us to eagerly share with others the hope of new life we've found in him. Evangelism to our neighbors and missions to the world are an important part of what it means to be a Christian church. We try to make that a central part of who we are here at Bible Presbyterian. We long to be used by Jesus to help others trust and treasure him.
A more comprehensive description of our beliefs can be found in the following documents