Dangerous wisdom


Studying the book of Proverbs in a pursuit of wisdom is not only wise, it is fraught with dangers which could, unwittingly, lead us to play the fool.  This first of two introductions to the book will help us avoid such perilous pitfalls.


Speaker: Andy Perry


The Big Picture


Studying the book of Proverbs in a pursuit of wisdom requires understanding how its 31 chapters fit together and how its unique, poetic language is custom-made to help us become more wise.  This second introductory message helps us get the big picture, preparing us for what's ahead.


Speaker: Andy Perry


The Beginning of Wisdom


Why do we need to learn wisdom?  The opening verses of Proverbs 1 reveal how needy we are.  But they also give us the key to wisdom acquisition: a proper fear of the Lord.  But what exactly does that mean, and how do we nurture it?  Listen to find out.


Speaker: Andy Perry


A Tale of Two Voices


The most prominent theme in Proverbs chapters 1-9 is the competition for our souls between two competing voices: Lady Wisdom and Woman Folly.  This message helps us understand how heeding Lady Wisdom's call leads to life, but Woman Folly's seducing voice leads to our doom.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Wisdom that perseveres


In chapter one Solomon called his sons to learn the value of biblical wisdom.  Now he reinforces that by reminding them to remember what they learn, love it, and apply it to their lives to the very end.  Since this message was not recorded, the manuscript is supplied.


Speaker: Andy Perry


The 'how' of wisdom


After looking at the 'what' of wisdom (fear of the Lord) and the 'why' of wisdom (promised blessing), Proverbs 3:5-12 lays the third foundation stone to our study: the 'how' of wisdom: trustin the Lord.  Since this message was not recorded, the manuscript is supplied.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Wisdom - a reflection of Christ

Who is this "lady wisdom" referred to so often in Proverrbs?  This message helps answer that question and not only shows us the way to wise relationships but to the centrality of Christ in all of Proverbs.

Speaker: Andy Perry

 Urgent Wisdom 


Urgency defines the tone of Proverbs 4 as Solomon pleads with his sons to lay hold of wisdom, letting it train them to be godly and run from sin.  This chapter also explores why the image of an attractive woman was used to make wisdom particularly enticing for young men.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Marital Purity 


Proverbs chapters 5-7 are all about the wisdom of marital faithfulness.  That involves both a good offense and a good defense.  This message focuses on the defense needed to keep oneself from the danger of unfaithfulness and sexual sin needed to nurture godly, marital joy.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Marital Satisfaction 

Proverbs chapters 5-7 are all about the wisdom of marital faithfulness.  That involves both a good offense and a good defense.  This message focuses on the offense needed to keep your marriage vibrant and joy-filled, both through sexual delight and sacrificial love.

Speaker: Andy Perry

 The Value of Wisdom 


Proverbs chapter 8 reminds us of the centrality of Christ to this book, since Jesus is the epitome of wisdom.  In this message we also find Solomon impressing on his sons the value of wisdom in making future plans, in pursuing holiness, and becoming a positive influence to others.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 A Tale of Two Houses 


Proverbs chapter 9 lays the final foundation stone of wisdom as Solomon implores his sons to chose to "live" in the house of Lady Wisdom, not Woman Folly.  This message helps us understand the blessings of entering and helping others enter her house, and avoiding the other.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 The Portrait of a Wise Man 


With the foundation for wisdom laid in chapters 1-9, chapters 10-31 topically explore various character qualities of wisdom.  Today's message gives a bird's eye view of who a wise person is and what he does - focusing on two chief qualities: godliness and self-mastery.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 The Portrait of a Fool 


With the foundation for wisdom laid in chapters 1-9, chapters 10-31 topically explore various character qualities of wisdom.  Today's message gives a bird's eye view of who a fool is and what he does - focusing on how that manifests in his relationships with himself, others, and the Lord.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Self-Control


One of the most important character qualities which distinguishes a truly wise person is godly self-control.  Proverbs especially highlights our self-control in the areas of emotions and desires.  No matter your struggle, this message will help.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Stewardship

Money is a necessary part of life.  It can be a great blessing when seen as an instrument of God's glory, or a danger when we forget that money is ultimately all about the Lord and a test of our trust in him.  Proverbs teaches about wise stewardship.

Speaker: Andy Perry

 Wise Work


Again and again Proverbs has taught us that our choices have consequences.  So, it shouldn't surprise us that the harder we work, the more blessings from life we can expect.  Thanks to the gospel, the most important work belongs to Jesus.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Ways


This message takes us into Proverbs to discover how to walk in a way that brings goodness to us, blessing to others, and glory to God.  Four character qualities especially help to become a person whose way is wise.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Humility


This message takes us into Proverbs to discover how arrogant pride breeds humilition and destruction but humility yields joy and blessing.  The humbling of Babylon's King Nebuchadnezzar is used to illustrate both pride and humility.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Leadership


Leadership is a hot topic today, and everybody has their own definition of what makes a successful leader.  Proverbs gives us God's perspective: godly leadership's motives, methods, and character.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Following


Following others is rarely easy.  Most of us would rather lead or follow only when our leaders lead us in the directions we want to go.  Proverbs teaches us that becoming a wise follower leads to blessing on many different levels.  Listen to find out for yourself. 



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Companionship, pt. 1


Proverbs 13:20 reminds us that, "...the companion of fools will suffer harm."  This message looks at four character qualities which alert us to the kind of people to avoid and not bring into our circle of influence.  Listen and learn.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Companionship, pt. 2


This message looks at four character qualities which alert us to the kind of people to intentionally bring into our lives.  We'll be blessed when we surround ourselves with those who are wise generally, in their speech, commitment, and fear of the Lord.



Speaker: Andy Perry


 Wise Sovereignty


This final message of our study of Proverbs helps us make sense of life when our best attempts to live wise, godly lives don't produce the good results Proverbs predicts.  How can God's sovereignty give us hope when life goes sideways and rescue us from becomng jaded?  



Speaker: Andy Perry