Advent: Prophetic Hope

Anticipating Jesus as our Good Shepherd

Micah 5:1-5

Our world is filled with people wanting to lead and influence us, but only Jesus, the promised Good Shepherd, has the leadership love and power we can trust.

Speaker: Andy Perry

Advent: Prophetic Hope

Anticipating Jesus as our Coming King

Isaiah 2:2-5 & Jeremiah 31:31-34


God wired us to believe in a better tomorrow.  We typically look to human leaders to find it, but invariably they let us down.  King Jesus, though, is our one, true hope.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Advent: Prophetic Hope

Anticipating Jesus in the face of doubt

2 Peter 3:1-11


Though we have good reasons to believe in Christ, sometimes doubts arise in our minds.  Peter helps us face those in a way that strengthens our faith.


Speaker: Andy Perry