Saved at last!

Mark - an introduction


Who wrote this Gospel?  Why was it written, and how does it give us hope that through Jesus we can be saved at last?


Speaker: Andy Perry


Good news indeed 

Mark 1:1-13

Have you ever wondered why Jesus equals such good news?  Mark begins his Gospel by unfolding for us why Jesus is the One we're waiting for.

Speaker: Andy Perry

Christ's life-changing call

Mark 1:14-20


Discover how Jesus calls us in three ways: how he calls us, the kingdom he calls us into, and the commitment he calls us to make.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Truly impressive

Mark 1:21-2:12


What makes Jesus the most impressive person to ever live?  According to Mark it's his power over our ignorance, demons, and guilt and shame.


Speaker: Andy Perry


Give it a Rest

Mark 2:23-3:6


Speaker: Rich Verano


Liar, Lunatic, or Lord?

Mark 3:20-35

Speaker: Rich Verano

Kingdom Parables

Mark 4:1-34


Speaker: Rich Verano


Jesus - the one we can trust

Mark 4:35-41 & 6:45-52


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus - Master of Mercy pt. 1

Mark 5:1-20


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus - Master of Mercy pt. 2

Mark 5:21-43


Speaker: Andy Perry



Mark 6:1-29


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus - our Provider

Mark 6:30-44


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus - clarifier of God's will

Mark 7:1-23


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus' welcoming grace

Mark 7:24-8:26


Speaker: Andy Perry


The joyful cost of following

Mark 8:27-38


Speaker: Andy Perry


Are you a spiritual cat or dog?

Mark 9


Speaker: Andy Perry


Obedience: the true test of trust

Mark 9:42-10:12


Speaker: Andy Perry


It's going to take a miracle

Mark 10:17-52

Speaker: Andy Perry

What true worship looks like

Mark 11:1-26


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus is King 

Mark 11:27-12:27


Speaker: Andy Perry


Confronted by Jesus' law of love 

Mark 12:28-44


Speaker: Andy Perry


Jesus: the ultimate temple 

Mark 13


Speaker: Andy Perry


Guess how much

Jesus loves you 

Mark 14:1-25


Speaker: Andy Perry


The hour of darkness 

grows darker

Mark 14:26-72


Speaker: Andy Perry


The how and why

of Jesus'suffering

Mark 15:1-20


Speaker: Andy Perry


Were you there?

Mark 15:21-47


Speaker: Andy Perry


He is risen indeed!

Mark 16:1-8


Speaker: Rich Verano